How Much Money Can You Earn As A Graphic Designer

graphic design

Art is becoming more prevalent within society. However, many artists that I know find that it’s difficult to earn money through their passion. This can be for a few different reasons. However, a common reason that I’ve personally heard is that there is a lack of opportunity. Although this may be true when comparing the art industry to others, it’s not completely true. There are many outlets, jobs, and opportunities available. However, many of them are relatively unknown. Therefore, in this article, we’ll talk about a relatively popular way you can earn money while being an artist. This popular method is by becoming a graphic designer.

Graphic design is a popular job and is integral to society. They provide a great amount of value to companies and clients alike. However, many people do not know what graphic designers do. Therefore, we will discuss what a graphic designer does, how to become one, and how much money they can potentially earn through this profession.


What Is A Graphic Designer?

The name graphic designer is self-explanatory. These people create graphics that are both visually appealing and informational. If you don’t know what a “graphic” is, simply put, its visual art that is made from pictures, letters, colors, drawing, engraving, and a plethora of other factors. As a graphic designer, you will create these visual pieces for your clients who may need it for many different things. For example, a client may hire you to design their logo for a YouTube channel. Others may need you to create physical or digital posters. Some may need you to design an ad for their company. Of course, if there is a slogan/information section, they may hire a copywriter to provide information.


Graphic Designer


Above is a list of potential job requirements and responsibilities for graphic designers. Of course, this can vary depending on the job you get and the company you’re with. You could be subjected to more, less, or completely different tasks. One noticeable aspect that the picture above describes is that you may need to work in teams. This can be true. However, if you’re completely opposed to working within teams, you can try your hand at freelancing. This is a good idea. However, competition is fierce. Graphic designers are prevalent on many freelance websites. However, if your work stands out, you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding work.


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How To Become A Graphic Designer

Becoming a graphic designer is fairly simple in nature. All you really need is experience and an eye for detail. Becoming a graphic designer does not tend to require a degree or accolades. If you’re proficient in Photoshop or any other software, you may have what it takes to become a graphic designer. However, the analytical and layout skills that you will need is most likely something that’ll be acquired through experience or schooling. With that being said, there are a few different paths that you can take to become a graphic designer.

First, you can just practice on your own, freelance, and find your clients. This will take quite a bit of time considering the fact that many people will not want to hire someone with a lack of experience. However, if your work is adequate and you price it accordingly, you may be able to find some work to build your portfolio.

The second is to go to a school that either specializes in graphic design. However, you can choose to get a degree in graphic design or a similar field.


graphic design


Above is a snippet from the Toronto Film School. The picture gives a brief description of the course, duration, and whether it’s online or not. If you’re interested in going to this school or learning more, click the picture above. It’ll take you to their website. From there, you’ll have to put in your personal information. TFS will then contact you and discuss further the opportunity. However, even though this is one option, there are many other schools and courses that you can take. Each varies in price and offer a multitude of advantages. Therefore, it is important to do your due diligence and compare your options.

Lastly, if you’re looking to get a bachelor’s degree, there are many different options available. For example, Humber College has a degree dedicated to Graphic Design For Print And Web. This degree will cost you approximately $6,000 for a 1-year course. Although this can be seen as a large amount, it is an investment. You’re purchasing this degree in hopes that you’ll gain enough knowledge to make a living. Therefore, it’s a sound investment.


How Much Money Can A Graphic Designer Make?

Last but certainly not least is how much money graphic designers make. Although this number can vary, we will find out what you can expect to earn as a graphic designer.


graphic designer


Based on 606 salaries submitted, it seems that the average graphic designer earns just under $50,000. This is not a small amount by any means. However, it is interesting to see that you can have the potential to earn as much as $80,000 per year from this industry. Of course, there are ways that you can earn much more than that. Having tenure and experience can help you negotiate a higher income. Furthermore, once you’ve garnered more experience, you can leverage that to earn more money.

What I mean by this is maybe starting a business. This business can function in many different ways. For example, you can create a company that highers multiple graphic designers. Your business can then go on to do large projects for other big-name companies. The fact that you’ll have a team working with you to get these projects done is what’ll make this possible.

If you find that this isn’t the best route for you, selling knowledge is always a good idea. This can be done in two ways. Creating a course that people can either take online, in-person, or both. If you want to go with the online option, creating a series of videos, modules, and PDFs can be a great way to spread your knowledge. Pricing is up to you. Do you want them to pay monthly for the subscription or a one-time fee?

Next is creating a class in-person. This one may be a bit more difficult to set up. Of course, you’ll need a space that is dependable, and close to your target demographic. However, when creating online courses, you invest your time with the hopes that people buy it in the future. When hosting physical classes, you need to create the course and actually be there to teach it. This leaves little opportunity to leverage your time to produce multiple streams of income. However, if you’re looking to just focus on graphic design and teaching, this may be the path for you. You can still earn a substantial amount of money while giving your students a crucial hands-on experience.

Physically being there to assist and helo your students succeed is a huge bonus. However, since people need to dedicate their time to actually being there, you’re capped on how much money you can earn. However, if you create an online course and offer that as an alternate option to the in-person classes, you can maximize your time and earnings.


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