The Possibilities And Earnings Within App Development

For most of us, apps are just something we use on our phones. They provide an abundance of utility and resources. However, to others, apps are so much more. To some, they’re a way to connect with others. For others, it can be a way to make money. Finally, there are people out there who use apps as a way to express themselves creatively. Regardless of what you want to do with apps, there is a wide array of options. However, since this is a website that speaks on how much money you can make, save, and earn, we will take a look into how lucrative apps can be.

It goes without saying that the amount of money you can make through creating, using, and developing apps can vary. On one hand, you can earn a substantial amount of money. However, there are times where you might make a regular living wage, sometimes less. Therefore, the amount of money you make is directly correlated to what you want to do and the path you want to take.

What Is App Development?

App or application development is when you essentially create apps. These apps can be on your computer. However, most people know apps as a feature that is on most, if not, all smartphones. Apps are what make these phones “smart”. With applications, you can do many different things. For example, connecting with friends and sharing pictures via Instagram. However, there are other apps that let you watch videos, calculate, and even help keep you organized. The possibilities are endless. However, many people may wonder how creating apps is possible. The answer is simple. Coding.

Coding is a method in which you can create apps and programs through what is known as “coding languages” There are multiple languages. While each language has its pros and cons, they all serve a different function. Therefore, some languages are more suitable than others. For example, you can create an app using Java, Python, and Javascript. However, depending on what the app is, its function, and your workflow, you could choose any one of these three. If you want to learn how to code, especially for apps, there are many resources available.

For example, there Coursera and Khan Academy have multiple information/assignments that can increase your knowledge. Furthermore, there are many coding boot camps and online classes from accredited universities. However, if you really want to get good at coding, you need to be dedicated. Furthermore, have a plan ready because you’ll want to learn one language before you move onto others.


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How To Get Into App Development?

There are many ways to get into app development. However, if you want to get into app development, you need to know what your goal is. Do you want to work for a company that creates apps? Or maybe you’d like to create your own apps and put them on the app store. Furthermore, you can just be a freelance coder and specialize in helping people develop their apps. There are many ways you can go about it.

When learning any new skill, most people would like guidance. This is the main purpose of school. Of course, you can learn completely for free with YouTube tutorials. However, purchasing courses and boot camps can be expensive but have the ability to jump-start your learning.




On the right, you can see the price and what the course includes. Some courses will be longer than others. However, for the more in-depth and longer courses, you can expect to pay a bit more. As you can see, these courses aren’t meant to be done quickly. There are hours of videos that need to be watched and over 100 articles that need to be read. Therefore, one can assume that these courses are packed with information. A benefit is that once you have this course, you will have access to it for life. This means that if you ever forget something, you can always revisit the course to obtain that knowledge again.

To the left, you can view what the course actually has to offer in terms of content. For example, this course claims you’ll learn how to make a portfolio of apps that can help when you apply as a developer, which is extremely valuable. Furthermore, the program will teach you how to use and navigate through Apple’s user interface.

Whether or not these courses are worth it is up to you. Do you believe that this information is useful and will help you progress in your future endeavors? If so, then definitely consider scrolling through a few courses and see which one is best catered towards your goals.


How Much Money Can You Earn From App Development?

Onto the main portion of the article, how much money can you earn from app development? Well, as I previously stated, the amount you earn will depend on what your goal is. Of course, creating a business will be your most lucrative bet. However, it’ll also be your most risky bet. Whereas working for a company can earn you slightly less money. Although you will earn slightly less money, you will have much more stability. Furthermore, you are able to get a few other benefits such as health and dental coverage. This is important to many people, especially if you live outside of Canada.


app developer


According to Payscale, app developers can earn quite a large sum of money. For most, $63,000 is enough to live on. Many people earn less and are still able to provide for their families with this amount of money. However, the possibility to earn more is always there. If you learn different coding languages or are more tenured, the probability of earning more money greatly increases. However, this does not account for the value you get from bonuses and health plans.

Now if you’re looking to earn a bit more money, you can create your own business. These businesses specialize in creating apps. What you’ll be doing as the business owner is creating apps with the hopes that people buy them or download them for free and make microtransactions. A clear example of this is CandyCrush Saga.

CandyCrush is developed by a company named King. King is responsible for many games such as Bubble Witch 2 Saga and Blossom Blast Saga. That is the type of company you’ll be creating. A company that creates multiple apps. There is a lot to be said whether you’ll earn more money by creating a price for your app or including in-app purchase. In my personal opinion, creating an app where they have to make in-app purchases is more lucrative. However, it should not be mandatory.

For example, let’s take CandyCrush. The app is free to play. Furthermore, you can beat every single level without making any in-app purchases. However, as levels get more difficult, users can purchase power-ups our lives so that they don’t have to restart a level. Not only is this a purchase that makes sense in-game, but it can also be a reoccurring option. As there are literally hundreds of levels, the possibility of the same user purchasing more lives to continue their progress begins to skyrocket. To put it into perspective, in 2018, users spent $4,200,000 per day on CandyCrush. Therefore, you can earn more money by creating your own apps and freelancing. However, it’s far less stable and secure.


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