5 Degrees That Earn The Least Amount Of Money


A popular topic on our website is schooling. More importantly, how much you can earn with a particular degree. However, while we talk about how much money you can make with a degree, we never speak on which degrees will earn you the least amount of money. For the most part, this website is dedicated to informing our readers on how you can earn money. However, what we don’t talk about often are paths that people take that are not lucrative. Therefore, we’ll try and remedy that situation right now.

There are hundreds of degrees to choose from. However, many of them are less lucrative than the average deg. Although, this isn’t everything. Many people go to school and enroll in specific degrees because they have a passion for that subject. There is nothing wrong with that and should be encouraged. However, some people are about to go to university. While others are thinking of going back to school. That is where this article comes in. If you’re unsure of what careers to go into, this article should help weed out the lower-paying degrees. The careers will be listed in no particular order.



The first on our list is ECE or Early Childhood Educator. This is a female-dominated (95%) role with a plethora of different responsibilities. As an early childhood educator, you’re responsible for educating children during their developmental stages. In order to do this, you’ll typically plan and apply educational lessons that include crafts and reading stories. This will help drive the creative process in children which is crucial for early-stage development.

Through your time as an ECE, you will be looking after children and monitoring their behavior. This is helpful because you can identify developmental and learning problems early. This can be discussed with the parents in order to proceed. If a child needs specific attention or accommodations, you’ll have the knowledge and expertise to provide.


least lucrative degrees


As an early childhood educator, you’ll be earning around $40,000. This is relatively low due to the fact that many jobs that don’t require degrees (call centers, retail managers) can earn similar or more. Furthermore, the income range is quite small. There is only a $20,000 range from lowest to highest. However, there are a few ways that you can increase your income beyond what’s displayed above. For example, being bilingual or having a ton of experience can make you more marketable. Therefore, you can use those skills to negotiate a higher wage when applying.


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As a journalist, you tend to have a talent for finding information and providing it to the masses. As a journalist, it’s your job to find information through various resources. This can be through interviews or investigating. Once you’ve garnered this information, it’s your job to speak with news outlets and other reporters in order to develop content.

The content you create can be shown in multiple ways. For example, you can create stories and publish articles for your own personal blog. You can be your own news outlet. However, you can also work for news stations and develop copy that will then be submitted and aired. Furthermore, you can submit articles and news stories to magazines or social media.




As a journalist, you’ll be earning a relatively low salary. The median being under early childhood education. However, from the reports shown on the graph above, the highest income earners exceed those in ECE. This can vary. The amount you earn can also vary depending on who you work for. Many journalists are freelancers. However, there is a massive problem with journalism. Social media. Many people get their information from platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. However, many journalists create YouTube channels and present news through that outlet. Chances are you’ve seen many of these YouTube news outlets on your feed.



The next degree on our list is agriculture. Although this seems like a relatively niche subject to specialize in, a large number of people within the industry are not making a substantial amount of money. At least, at the very beginning. Tenure in any business can spike your potential earnings. However, agriculture is a relatively broad subject. Therefore, some jobs within the field earn more than others. Two popular jobs are agriculture specialists and agricultural engineers. As an agricultural specialist, you provide assistance/advice to various farmers and producers of livestock. On the other side are agricultural engineers.




Above is a semi-in-depth description of what an agricultural engineer does. Click the picture and you’ll be taken to the Wikipedia article that gives a deeper analysis.




Above is an outline of salaries earned within the agriculture sector. However, this is based on 154 salaries through various job types. The amount you can earn on average is on par with the previously mentioned jobs. However, this field has both the lowest amount of income and the highest so far. Therefore, this industry leaves a lot of room for growth in terms of earnings. Therefore, take a look at the various amount of jobs within the agricultural section. You may find jobs that both pique your interest and have ht potential to earn you a ton of money.


Social Worker

As a social worker, you have a critical role in society. In my opinion, one of the most underrated jobs out there. Social workers are relatively underpaid and offer a lot of value. This value is evident within society and families. As a social worker, you work with families to resolve multiple issues. These issues cover a wide array of topics that range in severity. The job of a social worker is to help families cope and treat their current issues in a healthy manner. This can be extremely difficult given certain circumstances.

A crucial skill that you need to have when being a social worker is communication. Since you’re working with people who oftentimes have trauma, you need to be able to illustrate criticism and advice in a way that isn’t harmful. By harmful I mean in ways that aren’t insulting or insinuating blame. Positive criticism and advice are what drives the most success.


Social Worker


The average salary of a social worker clocks in at just under $50,000 per year. Significantly higher than the other salaries listed in this article. This may seem like a lot of money. However, in my opinion, it should be higher as you have to deal with many issues. However, you can earn money with the more tenure and skillsets you develop. For example, similar to other jobs, if you have a lot of experience and are multilingual, you can work with a wider array of families. Therefore, you more valuable as a social worker. Also, you can specialize, such as addiction counseling.


Arts, Music, And Drama

Last on our list is a drama teacher. More specifically, a post-secondary art, drama, and music teacher. As a drama teacher, your responsibility is to teach your students the proper techniques. However, as a teacher, your main responsibility is to teach and evaluate your student’s performance. It goes without saying that in order to do this you’ll be giving your students assignments and projects.




On par with the other jobs on our list, a drama teacher earns, based on the submitted salaries, make an average of $36,000. Not an amazing amount. However, later on in your career, you can increase your salary as much as 50%. Furthermore, you can also freelance and develop a business where you teach your students various acting/drama techniques. This way can earn you a significant amount through your business.



In conclusion, all these jobs are incredible. However, for many of these, you’ll most likely earn less than average. However, there is the potential to earn a substantial amount of money. Although, these jobs aren’t the typical high-earning jobs. Therefore, if you’re looking for a job that has a high starting and tenure income, you may want to explore other options. 


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