Is Becoming A DJ A Lucrative Hustle?


From clubs to concerts, DJs are an integral part of the music industry. I’m sure that you, the reader, have been to an event where there was at least one DJ. From weddings to clubs, DJs essentially provide energy, entertainment and make an event more lively. However, being a DJ is more than just playing music. DJs have many skills that are necessary for making an event feel whole. This is very evident when you go to a club and see a DJ who is clearly not as experienced. However, with all that being said, is becoming a DJ lucrative?

Well, that answer depends. However, we will get into the nitty-gritty later on in this article. First, I would like to tackle a few key points before getting into how much they earn. First are the duties of a DJ. To some, DJing may be a mystery. Therefore, we can clear up any confusion that may arise. Next is how do you become a DJ and the necessary equipment you may need. Lastly, we will get into how much you’re able to earn as a DJ.

Duties Of A DJ

The duties of DJs or Disk Jockeys have changed quite considerably over the years. Originally, DJs were on the radio exclusively. They would have a live broadcast and select songs. These songs would be the most popular at the time. However, many radio stations took away the job of a DJ. Of course, there are people who play songs and talk in between. However, now the role is more suitably called a radio host. This is due to the fact that many radio stations host interviews, play pranks, and such, rather than strictly playing music. Now, you’ll most likely find DJs in events and clubs, as previously stated.

As a DJ, you will need equipment, one of your main duties is to know how to operate your station proficiently. Many times DJs have failures during an event and this creates a loss of energy, making the experience less enjoyable. One of your other duties is to keep an up-to-date inventory of music. However, this can depend. If you specialize in playing reggae music, you can keep an inventory of that type of music specifically, if you’re DJing at specific clubs.

As a DJ, you need to know how to transition from song to song seamlessly, this creates a more cohesive experience. Furthermore, DJs can control the atmosphere of a club. If they want to calm the crowd down, they can play a slower song. However, when they feel it’s the right time to hype up the crowd, they’ll play an energetic, popular song that most people would know.

Although the duties can vary depending on where you’re working. For example, at a wedding, you will most likely have a playlist that the bride and groom created. It will then be your responsibility to play the songs in the manner that they’d like. This means playing specific songs and particular times and so on.

However, the fundamental job of a DJ is to play music, provide entertainment, and maintain a certain atmosphere at all times. This can be in a club or event such as a wedding, baby shower, etc.


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How To Become A DJ

The interesting part about becoming a DJ is that you really don’t need any formal schooling or training. There are resources and courses that can help. For example, a school here in Toronto named Metalworks specializes in music production and engineering. However, a quick google search will help you find all the resources you need. Aside from that, becoming a DJ is all about having equipment to work with and marketing yourself.

As a DJ, you’ll most likely work freelance and accept gigs. However, as a freelancer, you will have to face massive competition. As you probably assumed, since there is a low barrier for entry, the industry is saturated. However, this does not mean that you will not be able to earn money. If you can manage to get a few gigs, you can gain enough experience to put onto your portfolio. That’ll make you more marketable. Posting on social media such as Instagram, Tik Tok, and Twitter can also boost your reach. This will, in turn, increase the chances of you landing gigs.

In terms of equipment, there are a few solutions. Some places will have equipment that you can use. However, many DJs have their own. This includes turntables, speakers, lighting equipment, and microphones. This can be quite expensive. However, it should be looked at as an investment. While it is good to invest in your own equipment, it’s not completely necessary.

If you know about your gig ahead of time, you can go to your local music supply store and rent your equipment. This will most likely cost you a set amount over the time you need it and needs to be returned undamaged. This is a great alternative for many as you won’t have to spend so much money purchasing your own products. However, it will deem more expensive in the long run as you will eventually pay off the equipment you have. However, if you’re DJing as a side hustle, renting out your equipment may be the way to go.


How Much Money Can A DJ Earn?

The amount you earn as a DJ can vary greatly. As stated before, you will most likely be working as a free agent or freelancer. Therefore, it is up to you to find work and set your own prices. There are DJs who price their services for only a few hundred dollars. Let’s say $200 for a wedding that takes 3 hours. That’s a pretty good sum of money relative to the time worked. However, there are reputable DJs that charge well into the thousands for their services. This is most likely due to notoriety.

Many people will go to a club because they know a specific DJ is playing that night. If your name brings in guests, you will be able to charge accordingly. Conversely, if you see that you’re getting booked up quickly, you can increase the prices of your services to make it worth your time and earn more money.

In terms of how much you can make, there are a few resources that give us various amounts. One study over 16 surveys illustrates that Disk Jockeys earn approximately $25 per hour or $40,000 per year.




However, the picture above was conducted over36 salaries and shows annual earnings of $74,000 per year. This is significantly higher than the previous study. However, it is important to note that in the upper echelons of earners, you can bring in over $100,000 per year. This is an outstanding amount to earn and higher than the average Canadian earner. However, you should know that when you’re starting out, it’ll be quite difficult to earn money due to you competing against those with more experience.

However, word-of-mouth marketing is powerful and many businesses strive off it. There are so many local and large brands that build their popularity off word-of-mouth. Therefore, if you hone your skills and market yourself correctly, you can earn a sustainable amount of money through DJing.


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