Want To Earn Money? Try Lead Or Traffic Generation!


With the internet being so accessible, making money is easier than ever! However, it can be quite overwhelming when trying to decide what you should do to earn money. Well, why not look into lead generation. Some of you may be wondering what that is and others may already know. Without giving too much away, you’ll be acting as the bridge that connects the consumer to the business! It’s a growing industry. Therefore, take a look at the chart below. Sounds interesting right? Let’s jump right into what exactly lead generation is and how you can start earning money!




What Is Lead Generation?


Like I said, being a lead generator means that you’re the bridge between the consumer and business. Therefore, your job is to develop different ways or use various platforms to drive traffic and sales. This can be a very lucrative business before there are very little overhead costs. Furthermore, many companies do not utilize the internet to its fullest form. This is where you come in with your expertise.


For example, there is a local coffee shop in your neighborhood that fails to garner a consistent amount of traffic. You can come in and give your pitch. Essentially telling them that you can research the local demographic and provide marketing strategies that’ll help boost sales. You’ll have some people who’ll tell you no and others who may say yes.


Now, you got your very own client and are wondering what to do. The first thing you can do is create a Facebook page for that company. If they already have one then you’re in luck. Next, you are going to create Facebook ads that’ll attract customers! When potential customers click that ad they’ll either be directed to the website you’re promoting or even just the Facebook page! From there the customer can see all the content that is being promoted and may be compelled to contact the promoted company!


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How Do I Get Paid?


There are a number of ways you can get paid. However, it’s up to you to determine which way is the most optimal. The way you determine how you will get paid will most likely depending on what type of lead generating you’re doing. We will focus on two of the most popular forms. Referral and traffic generating.




Generating referrals for a service-based company is not a new concept. However, if you manage to generate leads that convert into sales, you can make some serious cash! When charging per lead, you’re earning on 100% commission. Therefore, anytime a sale is made through your reference, the company will pay you a portion of the sale! This is done in many service-based industries such as car detailing or even real estate! Let’s say you’re generating referrals for a financial advisor who’ll pay you $500 – $1000 (or a % based off of their total assets) dollars per lead you bring in. You’ll have the potential to make thousands of dollars a month/week!




Getting paid for driving traffic can be very lucrative. Driving traffic is a great way to earn money and help out companies that push out a multitude of products. For example, a coffee shop would be an excellent client of your when driving traffic. Claiming commissions wouldn’t work here because so many people purchase coffee and other snacks. It would be extremely difficult to track every single person that your marking attracted. Therefore, places like coffee shops, ice cream shops, restaurants, and other similar establishments will be your bread and butter. Depending on the increased traffic the business is seeing, you can charge a specific amount.


Your clients will keep you on retainer and pay you monthly. Also, you can create contracts. Meaning that you drive traffic to a particular business for a set amount of time (three months for example). Therefore, you can set mid-way points for you to get paid or even acquire a lump sum at the end of your contract!


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Sounds Great! How Can We Start?


You’ve heard everything and want to learn how you can start right away. That’s the right attitude. However, you’re going to have to go through a few steps before you can make some money. Typically, people start on a pay per lead structure because they’re new and may not know the most optimal way to drive traffic towards a certain industry. However, we will go over how you can get started in both.


Step One: Choosing The Industry


Ideally choosing one particular industry is the best way to go. This is because you’re going to have to learn a ton of information. This can anything from demographic to the copy that goes onto your ad. Therefore, choose an industry that you genuinely enjoy and would like to learn more about.


Once you’ve picked the industry, it’s time to find out how you about attracting customers. Like I mentioned before, Facebook ads are probably one of the best ways to attract customers. Figure out the target demographic in the particular industry. What are the times of day where people are most likely to purchase products? There are many things to consider. Therefore, basic market research is needed at the very least.


Step Two: Choosing Your Structure


Let’s say that you’ve chosen your industry and have done an adequate amount of market research. Now, it’s time for you to choose how you’d like to operate your business. If you were planning on doing referrals, there are a few extra steps you’ll need to take:


Step 2a: Referral Driven


In order to do this successfully, you’re going to need to create a website. I know that may sound scary. However, with websites like Wix and Squarespace, you can have a beautiful website up and running within a few days. Once, this is up, it would be a good idea to have a bunch of pictures or maybe a blog where people can come and read more on the industry you’re promoting.


Once this website is up you can run Facebook ads, curate Instagram content and various other forms of marketing. The idea is to get them to provide their basic contact information through your website. once this is done, you can hand off the lead to your partner for them to follow-up on the sale. Once the sale is made you’ll be paid out!


Step 2b: Traffic Driven


You may not have to create a website for this strategy. However, since you’re driving traffic, you’re essentially marketing for the company. There is no need to collect anyone’s personal information because you are basically the third party who puts the company in the consumer’s line of vision.


If the company does not have an Instagram, Facebook, Facebook ads or any physical form of marketing like flyers. You can create those things for the company in order to consistently drive traffic. Since you’re continuously getting paid, it would be advantageous to moderate the forms of marketing. Consistently creating content, ads, and marketing is the key to keeping your client in the consumer’s eye.


Step Three: The Client


Time for the hardest step. Finding your clients. There are many obstacles you’ll have to hurdle over before you can be successful. First, you’re a newbie, many people aren’t going to want to put their money and trust into someone who lacks a repertoire. This is why you’re prices and commissions are going to take a hit for a while. Don’t worry, if you do a good job, they’ll increase over time.


Second is the competition. As you can imagine, this is a fairly popular way to make money. Social media marketing has become huge over the past few years and will only continue to grow. This is why you have to create an edge with your personality and performance. Anyone can create a social media marketing company and generate leads. However, not everyone can do it well and be successful.


Lastly, you may find it difficult to convince people who have an older way of thinking. Word of mouth is powerful. However, social media can take your business to another level. Although people understand that, they’d rather not commit to learning something like that. Why you may ask? It’s different to them and they may not understand it fully, which is completely understandable. Furthermore, many people have the “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” attitude. This is a good way to think in some instances. However, making something more efficient and lucrative can be a huge positive. Unfortunately, many people miss out on that opportunity.


Now that the obstacles are out of the way, it’s time to show them that you’re worth the money that they’ll give you. Finding a client who’ll pay you per referral may be a bit easier because you’re working through commission. However, once you’ve built up your repertoire, finding clients will be a walk in the park whether you’re finding leads or driving traffic!


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I hope you found this blog rather informative and I was able to open you up to another path that may lead you to financial independence!


See ya’ later!


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